Health & safety guidelines

Before your appointment

  • PEMF has a few contraindicatons, see the list below to make sure this healing technology is right for you. DO NOT USE IF:

    • You have a an implanted device such as pacemaker, defibrillator, cochlear hearing device, spinal stimulator, etc.

    • You are pregnant.

    • You are actively bleading or hemorrhaging

    • You have injuries or concerns of injuries that have not yet been evaluated by a licensed health care practioner.

    • You have active blood clots or history of blood clots.

    • You have had an organ transplant.

    • You currently have and are being treated for cancer.

  • When you arrive please remove metal, electronic and battery-operated devices, keys, wallets, cards with magnetic strips such as credit cards and hotel keys, jewelry, and hearing aids.

  • Remember that energy moves best when hydrated, please drink plenty of water before your appointment for optimum results. 

After your appointment

  • Drinking water after your appointment can also help you to integrate the changes energetically.

  • You may experience some natural reactions such as light headaches, mild nausea, or fatigue. This is a natural part of the detoxing process and varies from person to person.

  • You may also experince some natural reactions that are welcomed such as a restful nights sleep, stress relief, more energy, better elimination, reduced imflammation, less pain and anxiety. This is our goal!!!

  • As always, if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.