Welcome to your Healing Journey

You have no idea how much PEMF can help… until you try it!

PEMF Therapy is a way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, excrete waste, and function optimally. The number one sign that your cells need energy support is pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances.

Your body benefits from coming into direct contact with the earth’s magnetic field — it’s one of the reasons people love walking on the beach so much. The ocean’s salt water is an excellent conductor of energy that increases the transfer of energy from earth to body.

The earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) is safe and beneficial. However, modern technology like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, computer screens, and high-tension wires produce an EMF at an extreme level that bombards every cell in your body with detrimental energy. PEMF is different than detrimental EMF.

Each cell in your body is like a battery, capable of holding only so much energy. Think of your cells like a mobile phone — over time they lose their charge and need to be recharged to function. There are various reasons your cells may not be generating or maintaining enough charge: physical injury, toxicity, scar tissue, inflammation, and poor nutrition are just some things that suck the life out of your cellular batteries.

The FDA started approving PEMF back in 1979 for bone loss (it was even used by NASA to support the astronauts when they returned to Earth). The FDA made additional approvals in 1987 for post-operative edema and pain, in 2004 as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery, and in 2011 for depression. Since every cell in your body needs to hold a charge, every cell in your body can benefit from PEMF.




This is the start of something special - and that something special is You! It’s the You right here and now - the You that has taken the plunge and chosen to do something different with their life. The You that has decided to heal. The You that has asked for help and is now receiving it.

I can tell you that the healing that you receive is going to change your life for the better - because I’ve seen it transform the health, the happiness and the lives of 100s of people just like you. People with all sorts of symptoms, illnesses and signs of dis-ease - no matter how incurable, unexplainable or chronic they were - all benefited from Awakening The Spinal Wave!

When it comes to this highly sought after healing technique, you will be amazed at how gentle, yet powerful and effective this work really is. Clients are coming in from all over the U.S. to experience this incredible healing. After a year of studies, a week long immersion, I am one out of 20 people that are certified in the USA including Canada. I also run clinics and treat clients in San Jose, Roseville, Folsom, and Sacramento. (ask for travel pricing)

I’m happy to give a free consultation to anyone that would like to know more about Spinal Flow Technique or any other modalities that I offer.


A fresh take on wellness

Today we have so many options for healing our bodies, PEMF Therapy is just one the incredibly valuable services that I offer to my clients. Energy healing techniques such as Spinal Flow Technique, Reiki, Sound Healing, Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing are all gentle and relaxing modalities that provide healing to the energetic, physical and emotional bodies. Although my specialty is working with clients (children too) that suffer from truama of all kinds, depression, anxiety, I have something to offer everyone!

All of the services I offer are beneficial for those looking for stress reduction, improved health, relaxation, help with anxiety and pain relief. I also offer Private Yoga and for now (Women Only) Swedish Massage. I look forward to assisting you on your wellness journey!

Our services

* The many benefits of PEMF Therapy.


* The PEMF XL PRO System. Comfortable, gentle, non-invase healing while you relax.